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12 Week Acting Intensive 


With Chris Guzman

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Junior Acting Ages 9 - 12 

Saturdays 10:00 - 11:15

Tuition: $350

This course will introduce and reinforce the essentials needed for creating outstanding and memorable performances on stage. Young Performers will be given the tools necessary to break out of their comfort zone and grow in confidence whenever they are on stage. No experience is necessary. All are welcome to register. 

Week 1: Introduction and Welcome 

Week 2: Fundamental Stagecraft- Understanding the Stage

Week 3: Fundamental Stagecraft- Movement on Stage

Week 4: Fundamental Stagecraft- Using Movement to Create Stories

Week 5: Discovering Your Voice!

Week 6: Freeing the Voice

Week 7: Using the Voice to Create Stories

Week 8: Speech and Articulation

Week 9: Using Speech to Create Stories

Week 10: Character Creation Lab (Part 1)

Week 11: Character Creation Lab (Part 2)

Week 12: The Performance!

Teen Acting Ages 13 - 18

Saturdays 11:30 - 1:00

Tuition: $450

This rigorous and challenging course has been carefully catered to give dedicated performers the tools necessary to better their performance. At the completion of this course performers will have acquired a contemporary or classical monologue chosen specifically for them that can be used at any audition-including college auditions. 

Week 1: Introduction and Welcome

Week 2: Movement- An Exploration of Time and Space

Week 3: Movement- Grounding

Week 4: Voice- Rediscovering Your Voice

Week 5: Voice- Freeing the Voice

Week 6: Voice- Strengthening the Voice

Week 7: Speech- Developing Articulators

Week 8: Speech- Tools for Storytelling

Week 9: Character Development- Creating the Character

Week 10: Monologue- Understanding the Monologue

Week 11: Monologue- Audition Preparation

Week 12: Monologue- The Performance

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